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Shop by Brand - Harman - Oakwood

Wood stove

  • Harman

    Harman Oakwood Wood Stove Grate (2-00-249122)


    This grate separates the firebox from the ash bin and is a consumable part that needs to be replaced from time to time. Never burn your Oakwood stove with the ash pan door open for any length of time because this grate can overheat, causing it to...

Need help finding the correct blower or fan kit for your fireplace? Let our experts help you track down the correct replacement blower, fan kit or part for your application. We typically only need the fireplace or stove's make and model to determine exactly what you need. This information can usually be found on gas fireplaces by removing the lower access panel and finding your fireplace's name tag or identificaton card. Wood inserts will often times have the same identificaton card, while freestanding stoves and others might have this information printed on a rear panel or door.

Once you've located your fireplace's brand and model information, simply use the Find Your Blower tool above, or the Help Find My Blower at the top of the page.

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